There’s a land born from a turquoise sea.
A gem wedged on a coast rich with herbs: their scents floating in the breeze.
Time doesn’t rush here, just dances with the waves, to their rhythm.
Effortless glamor, authentic elegance: a place seen by a select lucky few.
The Italian Riviera.

Sometimes you have to leave, to live; you have to run away and find that unique thing in which to immerse yourself in.
Just like the colour of the waves of the Italian Riviera:
not blue, nor teal, but turquoise.
A unique shade you won’t find in other seas, that reflects the greens of the verdant coast together with a myriad of vibrant colours of the towns nestled in it.
This colour inspired O’ndina’s bottle and spirit: so attractive,
yet so rare; distinctive, yet never the same.
A sought-after moment, to immerse yourself no matter where you are in the world.

Sometimes you have to leave, to live; you have to run away and find that unique thing in which to immerse yourself in.
Just like the colour of the waves of the Italian Riviera: not blue, nor teal, but turquoise.
A unique shade you won’t find in other seas, that reflects the greens of the verdant coast together with a myriad of vibrant colours of the towns nestled in it.
This colour inspired O’ndina’s bottle and spirit: so attractive, yet so rare; distinctive, yet never the same.
A sought-after moment, to immerse yourself no matter where you are in the world.

To those who always look for the beauty in life,
diving into each moment to live it to the fullest.
To the traveler, the explorer, those who know that experiences
and relationships are the true lymph of our being.
To you, who want to choose your path
and those to travel it with you,
but also let life surprise you
and take you to unexpected new places,
just like the waves.

To those who always look for the beauty in life, diving into each moment to live it to the fullest.
To the traveler, the explorer, those who know that experiences and relationships are the true lymph of our being.
To you, who want to choose your path and those to travel it with you, but also let life surprise you and take you to unexpected new places, just like the waves.